Greater Lansing Hispanic Chamber

Our Events

Latest Past Events

Advanced Interviewing Workshop

Lansing American Job Center 2110 S. Cedar Street Lansing, MI 48910

This workshop picks up where Interview Tips leaves off. A deeper dive into specific common interview questions with answers. Proven strategies for successful interviewing.

Interview Tips Workshop

Lansing American Job Center 2110 S. Cedar Street Lansing, MI 48910

Learn the language of Interview conversations, including information on appearance, question types, and other tips for success.

T3 Board Meeting

Lansing American Job Center 2110 S. Cedar Street Lansing, MI 48910

The Talent District Career Council will meet four times per year on the 2nd Tuesday of each scheduled month at 3:30 p.m. in the Big Three Conference Rooms of the Capital Area Michigan Works! Service Center, 2110 S. Cedar Street, Lansing.